Cadmund Video Updates
Please note this is a temporary page until
I can update the video page on the site itself.
Also, the exact order of videos may not be
correct at this time.
All videos are in RealPlayer format
and range from 8 - 25 MB in size.
An infatuated Tammy
 kisses Edmund.
innocencelost.rm 1
edmundonedge.rm 2
confrontation.rm 3
journalreading.rm 4
conference.rm 5
Cassie mistakes Edmund
for a drug dealer and
he leaves.
cadmunddrug4.rm 6
edmundleavesb.rm 7
cassfights4ed.rm 8
cadmundreunite.rm 9
cadmundreunitepart2.rm 10
Weddings, babies
and eternal bliss
BigQ.rm 11
bigdecision.rm 12
1sttry.rm 13
1sttrypart2.rm 14
testresults.rm 15
weddingpart1b.rm 16
weddingpart2b.rm 17
sonogram.rm 18
The beginning of the end. theface.rm 19